JePPIX services enabling innovation in the optical communication industry: successful demonstration

May 6

InPulse Project enabling early volume production of innovative products in Optical Communication industry.

After five years of powering the JePPIX Pilot Line, the InPulse project has reached its conclusion, successfully lowering entry barriers for innovative companies seeking access to state-of-the-art InP PIC manufacturing.

Read about a success story of Pilot Photonics whose integrated tunable laser and integrated comb laser development transitioned to ramp-up phase thanks to the design and manufacturing services offered by JePPIX Partners BRIGHT integrated Photonics, SMART Photonics and Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI.

Article by PhotonicsViews available at:

Picture: Pilot Photonics’ iCLA PIC and butterfly gold box deliver four coherent wavelengths

More information about projects where AMIRES is involved in here!
