Enter Now to EffiBUILDING Database!

- EffiBUILDING Overview:
EffiBUILDING is a platform developed by AMIRES, which provides a constantly updated overview and benchmark for companies and research organizations in the energy efficiency field. This database facilitates access to know-how and enhances the demand for innovative solutions in the design and refurbishment of buildings. The main contacts to companies and/or researchers developing this product/prototype are shared to network easily and make it easy to share, discover, use, and distribute relevant findings.
- Vision:
Provide up-to-date market information about the most innovative, novel, and energy-efficient products/prototypes to be integrated into buildings.
- Mission:
The collective sharing of information facilitates innovative product uptake and responds to the urgent needs of societal challenges such as energy and health of citizens.
- Our Customers:
Architects/Designers/Technologists | Researchers/Developers | Manufacturers |
EffiBUILDING serves architects and building technologists during the design phase for evidence-based selection of novel and most efficient products and solutions. The EffiBUILDING data are also applicable for building modeling tools. | Researchers and developers get an overview of recent prototypes and contacts to researchers developing them. This makes it easier to share, discover, compare, and exploit research and development results more efficiently. EffiBUILDING democratizes and globalizes access to information about this market and its trends, which is often highly specialized and localized. | Product manufacturers gain a unique opportunity to use this database as an additional sales channel and to access a large pool of potential buyers. This database is a virtual trade fair attracting new buyers and operates 24 hours a day! |
For further details, please reach out to Ph.D. Vacláv Smítka.