Bringing Flexible Organic Electronics To Pilot Innovation Scale
“Bringing flexible organic electronics to pilot innovation scale” (PI-SCALE) is a highly needed response to bridge the gap which exists today between promising laboratory scale results of highly efficient flexible OLED modules and mass manufacturing of high value-added products. The project will integrate existing European infrastructures into a “European flexible OLED pilot line”, which will operate in an open access mode and serve customers from along the value chain with individual product designs, validation of upscaling concepts, and system-level flexible OLED integration. The Consortium will connect the most advanced pilot line facilities with the best material providers and equipment manufacturers, creating a service that will offer substantial numbers of flexible OLEDs that can meet efficiency, durability and cost requirements of end users. Together with end-users for various markets, such as automotive and designer luminaires, PI-SCALE will demonstrate the capabilities of this pilot line doing process optimisation for product demonstrators to enable cost efficient production and facilitate an effective market introduction. In addition, PI-SCALE will include a number of outreach activities to actively engage and educate interested users and suppliers for flexible OLEDs in interactive product concept development. PI-SCALE will not only support the market acceptance of flexible OLED products, but it will also ensure that prototype ideas from European companies will have the possibility of reaching a semi-industrial scale in a very short time. The PI-SCALE project is funded by one of the calls under the Photonics Public Private Partnership (PPP). Pilot Line projects represent a significant investment from the Photonics Public Private Partnership and as such PI- SCALE will coordinate its publicity activities with the other pilot lines projects where it helps to have jointly a greater impact.
AMIRES was involved in the project’s preparatory phase and in the negotiations. Within the project it is responsible for administrative and financial project management and for dissemination of results.
- Project partners:
- Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research -TNO / Holst Centre (HOLST), Netherlands
- Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology (FhG), Germany
- VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT), Finland
- Centre for Process Innovation Limited (CPI), United Kingdom
- M-Solv Ltd (M-Solv), United Kingdom
- FlexEnable Ltd (FE), United Kingdom
- DuPont Teijin Films Europe (DTF), United Kingdom
- Brabant Development Agency (BOM), Netherlands
- Audi AG (AUDI), Germany
- emdedesign Gmbh (EMDE), Germany
- REHAU AG + Co (REHAU), Germany
- Pilkington Technology Management LTD (PILK), United Kingdom
- Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH (CTM), Germany
- AMIRES S.R.O. (AMI), Czech Republic
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 688093, project PI-SCALE.