EU projects – Technology Scouting – Business Innovation

From Microfluidics to Micro-Optics: Updates from the Tumor-LN-oC M30 Meeting

From 9-10 November 2023, AMIRES travelled to in Switzerland for the Tumor-LN-oC M30 meeting!

The H2020-funded Tumor-LN-oC project develops a sophisticated tumor-lymph node organ-on-chip platform which integrates several technologies ranging from a complex microfluidic system including of artificial cilia which mimics the natural lymph flow, to analytical instruments such as Mid-IR spectroscopy to a micro-optics module with automatic image analysis via deeplearning. The ultimate objective is to oberve, in real time, interactions between tumor and lymph node cells and thus achieve a better understanding of lung cancer metastasis through the lymph system. 

The meeting was hosted by Alpes Lasers – an innovative SME developing and producing a wide variety of laser sources, covering a very broad range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Project partners presented their respective work packages and activities over the past six months. AMIRES is participating in PANCAIM as partner for project management and dissemination and is actively engaged in consortium coordination, taking an active role in organising the meeting and preparing materials, moderating discussions around data sharing and strategic questions in the project such as its sustainability exploitation.  

We presented our recent AMIRES activities in the management, dissemination and exploitation of the project and got a detailed status updates by other project partners on the development of the various technological modules which will soon be integrated into the first assembled prototype!
We thoroughtly enjoyed the common dinner and networking with our partners during formal sessions and coffee breaks and are proud of the progress and achievements after 2.5 years of hard work in the project – the first promising, tangible results of this research and innovation project are slowly emerging! 

We discussed the next steps, priorities and for the next 6 months to meet all project milestones as planned. Major upcoming tasks will mostly center around molecular characterization of cells the chip and the modalities of the integration of the individual modules into the overall platform. 

Visit the Tumor-LN-oC website to learn more about the project and stay tuned for more exciting results!